Definitions of terms I use

The Christ within. As you clear your subconscious mind you become aware that you are no longer working with just your subconscious. As the negative patterns are cleared an important channel of communication begins to open up your connection to your High Self. While we are always receiving guidance and help from the spiritual realms, we are not always aware of it. This is one method of bringing yourself into closer more conscious contact with your own spiritual helpers. Everyone has a High Self. Your High Self is both part of you and part of all.  It is not an extension of your physical self instead; it is you who are an extension of the spiritual realm. 

Your High Self may consist of from one to a large number of beings. These beings may be from different spiritual levels. The higher or more consciousness and the clearer they are the greater your ability is  and the more help they can provide you. It is more desirable to have a small very conscious & educated and cleared group.

As you grow in your level of soul consciousness, spiritual will, wisdom, and stature the members of your High  Self subcommittees may change. My High Self has changed around many times since I have progressed along my path.  I clear  upgrade & educate them regularly. You will also find that you can ( and may need to)  clear your High Self committee members of negative programs just as you clear yourself.

Using a pendulum is just one way to communicate with your High Self.  High Self also communicates through inner pictures, sounds, feelings, knowing, love wash tingles, intuition, dreams, during meditation, synchronicities bringing people into your life to tell you something etc.  

When I say  “Spirit, please clear” during a session I am talking to my HS. Communicating with your  High Self, like many things, takes practice for some people it can be like learning a foreign language for others it is as neutral as a quick thought. 

the subconscious mind is like a computer where information is stored. 6 of our 13 bodies have subconscious minds which can carry programs that need to be cleared. (The etheric body the spiritual body the Christ body the Holy Spirit body the physical body and the third astral body) 

he conscious mind is a working mind . We have seven “bodies” with a conscious mind: seven of our 13 bodies have a conscious mind : First astral, mental, emotional,  I Am, Holy Spirit, physical and 3rd astral. The conscious mind of the physical body is the seat of your will it observes makes decisions and programs the subconscious the conscious mind works through the five senses and can hold memories of what has happened even after clearing has been done the clearing does not erase the memories it gets rid of the energy attached to the memory this conscious mind of the physical body can have up to 89 compartments where messages can be stored those memories can restrict a person’s positive expression.

A program is a belief that has been accumulated in the soul records as a result of experiences before this soul incarnates while this soul is incarnated or between lives while the soul is in the spiritual realms you cannot rebuild a program that is cleared but you can build something new by holding onto negative energy you have free will quickly released all negative energy bless and forgive.

Programs that come up to be cleared based on accumulated past life energies and also in order to learn new lessons or develop a particular skill the soul may choose the major events of life before it incarnates some of the negative programs may be scheduled to come up in the future you can question if this is so and ask that they be cleared they could involve illness accidents relationships etc people have chosen even their time in method of death by illness or accident which can also be cleared.

Energy we live in a sea of energy that is called spiritual etheric energy energy has consciousness and we mold and shape energy according to our thoughts and emotions etheric energy is responsive to our thoughts and emotions and we draw on and form that energy into the happenings and products of life. energy follows intension and life in its countless forms is made of energy. Positive energy is like having a vast supply of clean water. Negative energy is like adding mud to the clean water. Hate destroys and love increases a persons energy. It’s not what happens to you at any time that causes a subsequent problem rather it is the energy that you charge the happening with that brings it full circle. For every energy you send out there’s an equal energy that returns. Do you want to put out negative energy that comes back to you? Look at the thoughts and emotions that you are putting out and you will gain a greater understanding of how creation works. Negative energy causes a lowering of your physical vibrations it is a form of toxicity and can cause harm to the mental emotional and physical bodies. When discordant energies are released it clears toxicity and raises the vibration of all three bodies.

“Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless, and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives, enabling us to live our lives more freely. This “research,” which is accomplished with the help of higher guidance (your “Higher Self”), includes finding past life energies, subconscious blocks, and negative soul programming. Once identified, these blocks and negative energies can be cleared from the subconscious, soul (Akashic) records, allowing you to heal yourself on all levels. SRT was developed by Robert E. Detzler and has been used by thousands of students since 1988. Through Spiritual Response Therapy you can replace old programs with positive energy and inner peace. The result of this work has assisted thousands of people to live clearer, more joyful lives.” Note: Heather Bryant has not (yet) been certified by the SRT association.* * For more information go to Robert’s official website:

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