Meet Heather

Heather has enjoyed being a physical therapist for the past 33 years working in various settings in the health field.  Hospitals, Inpatient and Outpatient Rehab Clinics, Home Health, Nursing Homes, schools, 0-3 early intervention etc. After taking a few decades of traditional medical based continuing education she came to realize that they were just  re-cycling old information and not really getting to the heart or seed of states of dis-ease. The limits of traditional education for medical professional were severely lacking in understanding how to really help people in the most effective ways. 

In her quest for answers to health challenges for her patients and family she began to discover another whole world of wisdom from the naturopathic and metaphysical fields. Working with children on the autistic spectrum in the schools and homeschooling her daughter with dyslexia also led her to discovering how different minds/ souls require unique tools. 

Over the past 15 years her curious and creative spirit have catapulted her into studies with many teachers and modalities.  These are some of the resources that  have added to Heathers level of awareness and toolbox of ways to assist herself & others as we clear our path to a better life: Reiki, Mastering Alchemy ( JimSelf), Emotional Freedom Technique,  Reconnective Healing ( Eric Pearl) , Law of Attraction (Ester Hicks), Awesomism & Spherical Technology (Suzy Miller), Blue Body Healing (Ramtha School of enlightenment), Access Consciousness (Dr Dain Heer) , GaNS/ Plasma Technology (MT Keshe Foundation), Consciousness and Energy and Getting Well Naturally (Penny Kelly), 12 strands of DNA & the Human Akash (Kryon-Lee Carol) , Unified Physics (Nassim Harameim), Biology of Belief (Bruce Lipton), Spontaneous Healing of Belief (Greg Braden), Spiritual Response Therapy (Robert Detzler) and many others. 

Since choosing to step out of a hospital contract, she has been enjoying setting up her home-based business ideas under the umbrella of HB Solutions .

HB stands for Heart Bridge and also happens to be my initials.

Below are the 3 levels of “Solutions” that I offer to assist bridging us into the new earth that we are co-creating:

Online sessions & reports to provide energetic clearing, support & information to help clear your way to more balance in Life.

User friendly Plasma Water technology. 

  • A “Hug” for your Water Bottle:  Plasmafy drinking water for you, your pets and plants.
  • Fruit & Veggie Preservation Spray: Raise the vibe & greatly prolong the shelf life of picked fruits and veggies. It’s like they don’t know they have been picked.
  • Plasma Jewelry: Enhance & balance your energetic fields.
  • Educational material to help understand & use  the technology and make more to share.
  • Homestead videos: Helpful tips and ideas to make homesteading more enjoyable and productive.
  • Ways to incorporate plasma water technology into daily life for happier &  healthier plants,  animals & people. 
  • Future potentials: (Coming soon?)  Plasma grown and preserved items for cooking and gardening. Herbal Teas, Herbal Salts, Dried Herbs, and cooking mixes. Plasma enhanced seeds and Kefir grains.

How Plasma Solutions & Life Solutions go together

 In 2014, Heather began listening to MT Keshe and attending his private and medical professional classes. The Alchemist /Scientist in her was drawn to the making of Plasma/ GaNS and its uses for balancing of health and expanding consciousness. My spouse and I began to make the plasma water patches etc. and sharing them with close friends and family. The results were amazing and fun! (see testimonials in our free e-book).

A friend (an internal medicine Dr) who did SRT (Spiritual Response Therapy) started to assist me with my work. Together we used the SRT method for guidance on my experiments. My observation of the SRT method for working with clients was that it was the most efficient way I have found to identify the seed reason for any dis-ease state and quickly resolve it. 

Therefore,  I took the SRT classes and learned to use it myself with my plasma science experiments and to do Life Coaching  sessions for friends and family. Now I incorporate SRT clearing methodology (as well as many other forms of energy work)  to guide others in their journey back to health & balance. Compared to the Tiny tubes and Patches, I see it as the next level of working with plasma fields. The plasma water technology  also has the attribute of pulling together the energetic reasons behind dis-ease states and clearing them. Sometimes I am prompted to use both with clients. 

During the summer of 2021, Penny Kelly ND asked if we could make the Plasma available for her Patreon supporters. We had met her through a mutual friend ( Suzy Miller) and had sent her some of our Plasma Patches several years before. We were honored to be asked but it took a while to figure out how to make the sharing possible. We then developed the P3 formula in Tiny Tubes to share the Plasma with others. Etsy has made it possible for us to do this. We are delighted to work with her amazing, compassionate and hi vibe, group and now we have the Plasma water technology available to others. 

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